Descent into Midnight

Created by Richard Kreutz-Landry

A roleplaying game about community, family, and hope on an aquatic world. Descent into Midnight is a Powered by the Apocalypse game where the players take on the role of psionic alien sea creatures who are defending their home from an otherworldly Corruption.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

We have a first draft of the whole book laid out!
5 months ago – Mon, Sep 30, 2024 at 08:33:17 AM

Progress Since Last Time

Like it says in the title, we have the first draft of the whole book laid out! We're still working on getting the publishing metadata sorted out, and we're reading through the entirety of the book together to make sure everything looks good and flows well.


  • DONE: Finish first draft of whole book layout
  • Get publishing metadata block / library cataloging info generated and into book
  • Finalize supporter/backer list (to include BackerKit post-campaign supporters) in the book
  • Lay out printable Playbooks
  • Generating print layout & proofing the book
  • Printing the books
  • Confirming addresses
  • Shipping
  • Campaign extras (coloring book pages, token files, etc)


I can't say express excited I am to have a collected version of the whole book laid out to proofread. We'll be working on the play aids and getting the print production started soon!

- Richard and the DiM Team

First draft of Playbooks Chapter Layout complete
7 months ago – Fri, Jul 19, 2024 at 08:59:31 AM

Progress Since Last Time

We've made some continuing adjustments to the materials before the first chapter and after the last, but the big update is that we've finished a first pass on Chapter 5 layout!

Screenshot of the Empath Playbook section

We still have to arrange for publishing metadata to be created and add that in, insert page numbers, etc, but we're getting close to having a laid out version of the entire book ready!


  • Covers and frontmatter: Done (except for publishing info which we'll get once we have a final page count and can produce the meta data block necessary for libraries, etc)
  • Chapter 1 - Basics: Done
  • Chapter 2 - Safety & Accessibility: Done
  • Chapter 3 - Characters: Done
  • Chapter 4 - Moves: Done
  • Chapter 5 - Playbooks: In layout - first pass done
  • Chapter 6 - Campaign Play: Done
  • Chapter 7 - The Guide: Done
  • Chapter 8 - Running the Game: Done
  • Chapter 9 - Making the Game Yours: Done
  • Appendices: Done


I'm continually grateful for all the beautiful work put together by the team that's transforming the words we put down in a Google Doc into a real roleplaying game book.

Also, a random fish fact I learned yesterday: there's apparently a version of tuberculosis that fish can get. So I suppose if you really wanted to, your game of Descent into Midnight could take after the great Victorian novels full of Consumption, just with a few more aquatic creatures and a lot more psionic super abilities.

-Richard and the DiM Team

Playbooks Chapter in Layout!
9 months ago – Sat, May 18, 2024 at 07:29:47 PM

Progress Since Last Time

We've gone through and updated the playbooks, including renaming one of them to match the latest updates (The Traveler is now The Explorer). The Playbook chapter (Chapter 5) is in layout and we've done the official split of the Chapter 5 contents (the section that will appear in the book explaining each Playbook) and the reference sheet we'll be using to populate the Playbook sheets themselves. Because we now have the content synced and don't want to keep updating it multiple places, it is now locked unless we're forced to change it due to layout.


  • Covers and frontmatter: Done (except for publishing info which we'll get once we have a final page count and can produce the meta data block necessary for libraries, etc)
  • Chapter 1 - Basics: Done
  • Chapter 2 - Safety & Accessibility: Done
  • Chapter 3 - Characters: Done
  • Chapter 4 - Moves: Done
  • Chapter 5 - Playbooks: In layout
  • Chapter 6 - Campaign Play: Done
  • Chapter 7 - The Guide: Done
  • Chapter 8 - Running the Game: Done
  • Chapter 9 - Making the Game Yours: Almost finalized
  • Appendices: Mostly done, waiting on a few final details


We're getting to the layout of the heart of the game, the content that most players will spend the most time interacting with! Chapter 5 and the Playbooks themselves are the last major pieces that need to be laid out.

I've also really been enjoying the penguins at the Birch Aquarium, so here's a quick picture of some of the inspiration for the game! 

A group of small, squawking penguins on the rocks in an enclosure

-Richard and the DiM Team

Finalizing Making the Game Yours, Revising Playbooks
11 months ago – Fri, Mar 15, 2024 at 09:54:17 AM

Progress Since Last Time

Work on Chapter 9 is within a hairs' breadth of done (we needed to revise some of the formatting to make things more consistent) and we also made a brief update to Chapter 8 (we found that we were having some confusion around one of the examples and realized we needed to re-write it if it wasn't clear within the team).

In the meantime, our Concept Lead, Rich, has been running the game for kids as an educational tool and refining the play materials. We've been tweaking things to make them easier to put onto the printable Playbooks and clarifying them to make the play experience smoother. It's one of the reasons we left Chapter 5 (Playbooks) to the end; we knew that it was the most likely thing to continually develop and we wanted it to be the best it could be.


  • Covers and frontmatter: Done (except for publishing info which we'll get once we have a final page count and can produce the meta data block necessary for libraries, etc)
  • Chapter 1 - Basics: Done
  • Chapter 2 - Safety & Accessibility: Done
  • Chapter 3 - Characters: Done
  • Chapter 4 - Moves: Done
  • Chapter 5 - Playbooks: Tweaking slightly to due play-testing, needs a re-layout and brief editing pass
  • Chapter 6 - Campaign Play: Done
  • Chapter 7 - The Guide: Done
  • Chapter 8 - Running the Game: Done
  • Chapter 9 - Making the Game Yours: Almost finalized
  • Appendices: Mostly done, waiting on a few final details


I'm really excited about getting to the last major chunk of layout and editing. We're on the cusp of laying out the Playbooks chapter (one of the most critical in the book) in tandem with the new play materials.

I'm also looking forward to my new "office" for working on the project: a local aquarium! I'm able to work remotely and decided to pick up a membership to my local aquarium, where I'll have a dedicated, thematic workspace to spark inspiration and reward myself for moving things forward.

Also, I'm celebrating April 1st this year with April FOODS Day and running a food drive at the office because the best April Fools Day prank you can pull is kicking hunger's butt!

-Richard and the DiM Team

Chapter 9 In Progress
about 1 year ago – Sun, Dec 31, 2023 at 10:42:03 AM

Progress Since Last Time

We're moving right along as we've headed into the winter holiday season. Chapter 8 is done with a final review pass by our accessibility expert, and Chapter 9 has been laid out and is in iterations. The past month or so has seen a few vacations and illnesses on the team (pretty much par for the course for December) but we're in a great spot to move forward in the new year.

The initial layout of Chapter 9 is looking awesome and we'll be polishing it and then moving on to circle back to Chapter 5, which will then lead into redesigning the Playbook layouts.


  • Covers and frontmatter: Done (except for publishing info which we'll get once we have a final page count and can produce the meta data block necessary for libraries, etc)
  • Chapter 1 - Basics: Done
  • Chapter 2 - Safety & Accessibility: Done
  • Chapter 3 - Characters: Done
  • Chapter 4 - Moves: Done
  • Chapter 5 - Playbooks: Rewrites complete, needs to re-layout and brief editing pass
  • Chapter 6 - Campaign Play: Done
  • Chapter 7 - The Guide: Done
  • Chapter 8 - Running the Game: Done
  • Chapter 9 - Making the Game Yours: In Progress
  • Appendices: Mostly done, waiting on a few final details


We're moving right along and got some good rest over the winter holidays. Having a professional project manager shepherding things along is making a huge difference, and in my own personal life I've made a bunch of healthy changes and have lots more energy to get things done.

Happy New Year!

- Richard and the DiM Team